
Company details

Below are the details of the company, if you need the additional documents - certificate of state registration, taxpayer identification number - you can apply to the accounts department of the enterprise.

Full name: limited liability company “MELANTI”
Short name: “MELANTI” LLC
Full name of the chief:  Mrs. Ausiankina Klara 
Chief position: General director
Chief accountant: Mr. Halesnik Aliaxandr
Legal address: 216790, Russia, Smolensk Region, Rudnya, Kireev Street, 79
Actual address: 182500, Pskov Region, Nevel, Lenkommuny Street, 26
Postal address: 216790, Russia, Smolensk Region, Rudnya, Kireev Street, 79
Phone: 495-764-21-50, 916-094-21-80
E-mail: info@melanti.com
VAT no. / MSRN: 6713013892/1146733019487
Bank account: 40702810759000000196
Full bank name: BRANCH no.8609 of Sberbank  of Russia in Smolensk
Correspondent account: 30101810000000000632
BIC: 046614632
ОКПО/КПП: 23230435/671301001